Computer Science Lab Notebook

Unit1: Build a Lab Notebook

Install Tools. Design lab notebook. Learn GitHub Pages. Work with Pair (Saathvik G).

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
0 - Daily Plan Sample
- Prunned Tool Procedure ...
1 - More Detail Plan
- Week 1 Summary
- IPYNB Table, Code
- Review Ticket
2 - Week 2 Plans
- Week 2 Summary
- Life Game
- Snake Game
- JS Table with interactive unit original
- Python Tricks
- Javascript Calculator type 2
- Review Ticket Week 2
- JS Table with interactive unit (my version)
3 - Week 3 Plans
- Week 3 Summary
- Pair Showcase Code Explanation and Links
- Movie and TV Series Search Box
- Movie Search Box
- Wikipedia Search Box
- Review Ticket Week 3

Unit2: Learn Language

Learn (JavaScript|Python|Java). Start Agile development process. Work in teams (Cayden, Ryan, Saathvik)

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
4 - Week 4 Summary
- Week 4 Plans
- Python InfoDB List
- 1.4 Errors
- 1.4 Errors
5 - Week 5 Plans
- Week 5 Summary
- Extra credit seed assignment 09/19
- Recipe Book Manager
- Team Test 1.1-1.4
- Team Test 1.1-1.4
6 - Week 6 Plans
- Week 6 Summary
- Web Programming Basics
7 - Week 7 Plans
- Week 7 Summary
- Algorithms
- Data Abstractions Homework Problems

Unit3: NATM Prep

Learn API DevOPs, NATM prep, NATM, Deploy frontend backend api

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
8 - Week 8 Plans
- Week 8 Summary
- Parralax Effect Project
- Test Site
- Edamam Api
- Iteration Lesson
- Boolean, If Lesson
- Edamam Api
9 - Week 9 Plans
- Week 9 Summary
- API Test Site
- Testing
- Python Lists andv Operations Student Lessons
- Developing Algorithms
10 - Week 10 Plans
- Week 10 Summary
- Developing Procedures
- Test for Recipe List
- Student Lesson Python Libraries
11 - Week 11 Plans
- Week 11 Summary
- Practice Test Corrections
- Final Project Induvidual Review
- Student Blog Induvidual Review
12 - Week 12 Plans
- Week 12 Summary

Unit4: Warm-up Data Abstraction Project, Create Performance Task (CPT) kickoff

CPT project planning and prep, pair share and teams (Saaras, Eric, Cayden, Austin)

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
13 - Week 13 Plans
- Week 13 Summary
- Ideation Plans for Binary Blackjack
14 - Week 14 Plans
- Week 14 Summary
- Binary Blackjack
- 4.1 The Internet Basics
- 4.2 Routing And Computing

Unit5: CPT design and development, Computer Systems, Networks, Impact of Computing

Trimester 2 continues with CPT project design and development. Student Teaching will focus on College Board Units 4 and 5.

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
15 - Week 15 Plans
- Week 15 Summary
- Conffeti Test
- 4.4 Beneficial and Harmful effects
- 4.5 Digital Divide
16 - Week 16 Plans
- Week 16 Summary
- 4.7 Crowdsourcing
- 4.6 Undecidable Problems
- 4.8 Computing Bias
17 - Week 17 Plans
- Week 17 Summary
- Test Corrections
- 4.9 Legal and Ethical Concerns
- 4.10 Safe Computing
18 - Week 18 Plans
- Week 18 Summary
- CPT Ideation
19 - Week 19 Plans
- Week 19 Summary
- Induvidual Review Ticket
- 5.1 Introduction to SASS
- 5.2 Python Flask User Database Introduction
- 5.3 JWT Tokens
20 - Week 20 Plans
- Week 20 Summary
- Index Page 1
- Index Page 2
- Index Page 3
- 5.4 SASS Javascript Login and Signup Page
- 5.5 API/Control, Backend, OOP, Python
21 - Week 21 Plans
- Week 21 Summary
- Frontend and Backend
- Login System
- CSP Quiz Review Ticket

Unit6: N@TM Prep and completing end of trimester MCQ

Trimeter 2 conclusion, with N@TM prep as well practice MCQ, N@TM presentations on the 15th of February.

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
22 - Week 22 Plans
- Week 22 Summary
23 - Week 23 Plans
- Week 23 Summary
- Game Dashboard
- N@TM Review
24 - Week 24 Plans
- Week 24 Summary
- Slot Machine
- Final CPT Review Blog

Unit7: Data Structures and Data Science

Begining of trimester 3, with data structures and new teams (Ryan, Ankit, Tarun, Tarun, Gurshawn, Alara). Topics such as lists, stacks, queues.

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
25 - Week 25 Plans
- Week 25 Summary
- Seed Induvidual
- Induvidual Seed
- Seed Team
26 - Week 26 Plans
- Week 26 Summary
- MCQ 3 Test Correction
27 - Week 27 Plans
- Week 27 Summary
- ML Project
28 - Week 28 Plans
- Week 28 Summary
- ML Assessment
29 - Week 29 Plans
- Week 29 Summary
- Login Screen Testing
- New User
- Leaderboard Testing
- Database Testing

Unit8: AP Weeks and Preparation

Prepare for the AP test for the AP Exam. Exam on the 13th of May.

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
30 - Week 30 Plans
- Week 30 Summary
- Data Structures Combined Write-Up
31 - Week 31 Plans
- Week 31 Summary
- Tick Tac Toe
- Leaderboard
32 - Week 32 Plans
- Week 32 Summary

Unit9: Passion Project and N@TM Weeks

Presenting accomplishments for the year by creating a passion project for N@tM. This project will serve as the year end final exam.

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
33 - Week 33 Plans
- Week 33 Summary
- AP Weeks
34 - Week 34 Plans
- Week 34 Summary
- AP Weeks
35 - Week 35 Plans
- Week 35 Summary
- Final Project Plans
36 - Week 36 Plans
- Week 36 Summary
- Ceaser-Cipher Decrypter
- Ceaser-Cipher Encrypter

Unit10: Final School Week

Wrapping up the school year

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
37 - Week 37 Plans
- Week 37 Summary
- Good Bye 👋
- Code Portfolio
- N@TM Blog