Week 2 Plans
These are the plans for week 2
- Start with listening to the tech talk.
- Begin making two new posts, one for Week 1 sumary and the other for week 2 plans
- Check salck for new messages and begin organising you notebook
- Finish week 1 summary and also include basic code you learnt last week and week 0 into an organized table
- Work on Week 2 plans if time permits
- Make your github.io site work and commit all the changes from VSCode into the site.
- Begin by completing the week 2 plans and include major stuff you learnt as hack and tangibles
- Work on revising the IPYNB files and add in the required hacks and tangibles
- Learn how to do code fencing and code cells
- Finish day by revising IPYNB files and python IO IPYNB
- Sign up for Wednesday’s lab notebook check
- Try output levels into Jupyter Notebook for easier presentation rather than VSCode, stuff to learn
- Revise your speeach for today’s presentation
- Present the notebook and all that you have learnt to Mort
- Customize homepage to only include main stuff and shift all other detials into another table or another page itself.
- Work on including the snake game, life game and JS Caluclator type 2
- Work on any pending works
- Present your works to Mr. M
- Begin working on the Week 2 summary and add it into the table of contents
- Revise previous blogs, see if you have missed out on anything
- Help out if anything is needed
- Work on making the blog better
- Work on any incomplete works
- Make checks to you code and website
- Debugg remanining errors