
We started off Monday with a small little tech talk about the new blog interface and how the changes are to made, either surgically or by copying and making a new repository of the new template. WE then create two new post on for a week 1 summary ie, a summary of all the things that we did in week 1 and another for week 2 plans ie all the stuff that we are going to be doing for week 2 planned out all in advace. I then commited my post and changes from VSCode into github, and also got the pages working


We began Tuesday by completing the week 2 plans that we started of eairler and also began changing the meta data on top of each of the new post so as to include thier links in the the ongoing notebook calender of the new interphase. Here I faced a few little problems regarding the github pages, this was mostly because of there being two repositories with very similar name and what I feel is that git got confused between the two and kept going back to the old one when I changed links on the new one. Simple fix for that: Change the name of the github repository, like for student to studentold etc.


We started off just where we left off on Tuesday, gith pages. We managed to fix them and get them to work and then sat in to listen to a new tech talk about the snake game and the JS calculator type 2 version. After that I managed to get the snake game to work into my local host and also added in the calculator’s code. Main error for the calucaltor was the asset files that inlcuded the JSS and CSS commands for the calc - basically made it look more good. SImple fix for that was to drag the asset file form the _site on VSC and drop it outside of it as changes made in the site directory last there for like 2 sec max. After that drag and drop the JS and CSS files into the new asset directory and your done! I then also manage to copy paste the life game code into the my local host and commit it into git.


We stated off Thursday by review of the live review whihc we had signed up for with Mr. Lopez. WE took our time and resolved the few issues we face that morning. We then sat down for our live review and explanined all that we had done for the past week, week and half. We then talked about a few independent projects we had done, a few changes we had made to our file, then showed the new code(s) that we had implemented into our website including the calculator and the few games as well. WE then talked about a few errors and overally concluded a good presentation. The score we recvied was 1.85.


Today was a work form home day for me as I’d taken the day off from school for I’d fallen sick. I checked slack and canvas for any new things that had to be done. On slack there were two new messages as to what had to be prepared for next weeks pair showcase, aka the code code coding project. First off i started off by create two new post, one for week 3 plans and the other for week 3 summary. Then for the week 3 plans I used utterance with git to make a comment/post in the form of next week’s plans which included all the basic stuff we needed to to get a good grade on the 5 point assignment. Here’s the code to make an utternce post work on your site

<script src=""

Learnings for the week

Don't repeat these mistakes!! - Always commit - Make sure to name your commit and sync too!! - Never make after making changes to the _site or inside the same directory. They gonna last for 2 seconds.
Week Command Defenition
Week 2 _site Any changes made in _site will not be saved in the directory as it deletes it as soon as the make command is used.
Week 2 make clean Cleans and restarts the server completelty
Week 2 [X] This is a code for a basic checkbox in markdown.
Week 2 []() Helps to add links onto typed words eg: [Github](