Computer Science Lab Notebook

Unit1: Build a Lab Notebook

Install Tools. Design lab notebook. Learn GitHub Pages. Work with Pair (Saathvik G).

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
0 - Daily Plan Sample
- Prunned Tool Procedure ...
1 - More Detail Plan
- Week 1 Summary
- IPYNB Table, Code
- Review Ticket
2 - Week 2 Plans
- Week 2 Summary
- Life Game
- Snake Game
- JS Table with interactive unit original
- Python Tricks
- Javascript Calculator type 2
- Review Ticket Week 2
- JS Table with interactive unit (my version)
3 - Week 3 Plans
- Week 3 Summary
- Pair Showcase Code Explanation and Links
- JS API Movie and TV Series Search Box
- Movie Search Box
- Wikipedia Search Box
- Review Ticket Week 3

Unit2: Learn Language

Learn (JavaScript|Python|Java). Start Agile development process. Work in teams (Cayden, Ryan, Saathvik)

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
4 - Week 4 Summary
- Week 4 Plans
- Python InfoDB List
- 1.4 Errors
- 1.4 Errors
5 - Week 5 Plans
- Week 5 Summary
- Extra credit seed assignment 09/19
- Recipe Book Manager
- Team Test 1.1-1.4
- Team Test 1.1-1.4
6 - Week 6 Plans
- Week 6 Summary
- Web Programming Basics
7 - Week 7 Plans
- Week 7 Summary
- Algorithms
- Data Abstractions Homework Problems

Unit3: NATM Prep

Learn API DevOPs, NATM prep, NATM, Deploy frontend backend api

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
8 - Week 8 Plans
- Week 8 Summary
- Parralax Effect Project
- Test Site
- Edamam Api
- Iteration Lesson
- Boolean, If Lesson
- Edamam Api
9 - Week 9 Plans
- Week 9 Summary
- API Test Site
- Testing
- Python Lists andv Operations Student Lessons
- Developing Algorithms
10 - Week 10 Plans
- Week 10 Summary
- Developing Procedures
- Test for Recipe List
- Student Lesson Python Libraries
11 - Week 11 Plans
- Week 11 Summary
- Practice Test Corrections
- Final Project Induvidual Review
- Student Blog Induvidual Review
12 - Week 12 Plans
- Week 12 Summary

Unit4: Warm-up Data Abstraction Project, Create Performance Task (CPT) kickoff

CPT project planning and prep, pair share and teams

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
13 - Week 13 Plans
- Week 13 Summary